How to Choose Flame Retardant Clothing?


Flame retardant clothing is increasingly gaining attention in the protective clothing market. Flame retardant fabrics serve as the foundation of personal protective equipment and largely determine the level of protection achieved. With a wide variety of production techniques and distinct characteristics, selecting flame retardant clothing can often be challenging. This article aims to provide a simple guide on how to choose flame retardant clothing.

Principle of Flame Retardant Clothing

Before selecting flame retardant clothing, it’s crucial to understand the principle behind flame retardancy. Flame retardant fibers in the fabric greatly reduce the burning speed of the fibers. After the heat source is removed, the fabric self-extinguishes immediately, with the burning portion rapidly charring without melting, dripping, or creating holes. This provides individuals with time to evacuate the burning scene or remove the burning clothing, reducing or preventing burn injuries and achieving the protective purpose.

Types of Flame Retardant Protective Clothing

Flame retardant clothing is categorized based on fabric types, including pure cotton, CVC (chief value cotton), C/N (cotton/nylon blend), modacrylic/cotton, and aramid fabrics. Additionally, flame retardant clothing can be classified based on functionality, such as flame retardant, oil and water repellent, flame retardant and antistatic, and flame retardant and arc flash resistant.

Furthermore, flame retardant fabrics are divided into inherent flame retardant fabrics and treated flame retardant fabrics.

Inherent Flame Retardant Fabrics

These fabrics consist of flame retardant fibers or combinations that inherently possess the corresponding level of flame retardancy without undergoing any flame retardant treatment. They are also known as permanent flame retardant fabrics.

Treated Flame Retardant Fabrics

These fabrics undergo chemical treatment to attain flame retardancy when the fibers, yarns, or fabrics do not possess sufficient flame retardancy. The flame retardant effect of these fabrics gradually diminishes after washing. Compared to permanent flame retardant fabrics, treated flame retardant fabrics are more cost-effective at the same standard level. Treated flame retardant fabrics are further divided into disposable flame retardant fabrics and durable flame retardant fabrics.

Key Performance Indicators of Flame Retardant Clothing

Flame retardant clothing is widely used in industries such as petroleum, natural gas, chemicals, metallurgy, mining, electric power, firefighting, and military, including in environments with multiple protective requirements. When selecting flame retardant clothing, attention must be paid to the product’s performance indicators, including flame retardancy, safety, practicality, and comfort requirements.

In addition to excellent flame retardancy, high-quality flame retardant clothing should also meet criteria such as tensile strength and color fastness. Furthermore, flame retardant clothing must fulfill general garment usage requirements, including stretch, abrasion resistance, and pilling. Specific environmental requirements, such as high temperatures and flames, also need to be considered, including heat stability and structure. Moreover, flame retardant clothing must adhere to requirements related to flame retardant processes, such as breathability and comfort.

The selection of flame retardant protective clothing should be based on actual work environment needs, with the clothing’s structural design prioritizing safety while integrating personalized requirements based on practical considerations. Factors such as material, performance parameters, and pricing should be comprehensively considered.

Furthermore, the selection of flame retardant clothing can also consider seam craftsmanship and appearance. Specific requirements can be established for various aspects of protective clothing, including stitching, logos, fasteners, symmetry, color consistency, flatness, and neatness, ensuring that the flame retardant clothing is well-crafted and aesthetically pleasing. By fully demonstrating practical value, the safety and protective performance of flame retardant clothing can be further enhanced.

In conclusion, the selection of flame retardant clothing is a multifaceted process that involves evaluating various technical, functional, and aesthetic aspects, all aimed at providing the highest level of protection and comfort for individuals working in hazardous environments.

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